Version | Date | Author | Comment |
001 | 2015-04-01 | Johannes Pfeffer | Initial version of the specification, still named App-Description Specification |
002 | 2015-04-07 | Johannes Pfeffer | Broadened the scope of the specification, added terms section, changed various Classes and Properties |
This document specifies the structure and content of App-Descriptions for App-Orchestration. The goal is to have a reference specification that all creators of App-Descriptions can refer to.
Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Pfeffer is responsible for this document.
Phone: +49 351 463 33387
An App-Description semantically describes an app. It at least contains the following information: about the name of the app, a textual description, the creator, the type of the app, location of binaries and screenshots, entry points and exit points.
App-Descriptions are modeled in W3C’s RDF-format, usually in turtle notation.
App-Descriptions adhere to the open-world assumption, meaning there is no limit to what can be asserted about an app. However, this specification defines a minimum of information that must be given and provides a recommendation on additional information to provide about an app.
App-Descriptions are used in App-Ensembles (see App-Ensemble specification) to provide information about an app, such as available inputs and outputs.
App-Descriptions are described as RDF and are usually written (serialized) in Turtle-format. They are named according to the following schema:
An App-Description model consists of the following main parts:
Definition of prefixes
Information about the role of the app
Type and role of the app
Label and textual description
Binary location and version
Information about the creator(s) of the app
Entry-Points (with inputs)
Exit-Points (with outputs)
Icon and screenshots
Additional statements about the app
The main vocabulary for App-Descriptions is the Application-Orchestration-Framework-Vocabulary with the preferred prefix aof
and the base URI
@prefix aof: <> .
For describing the creator and her/his contact information, the Dublin-Core Metadata Format (elements and terms) and the FOAF RDF-Schema are used.
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
To describe android-related properties of an app the Android apk namespace is used.
@prefix android: <> .
In addition the rdf, rdfs schemas are used as a basic language and the xsd schema is used to define value types.
It is good practice to add a section with prefixes used in the App-Description.
This section may look like the following listing:
# AOF namespace
@prefix aof: <> .
# Used ontologies
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix android: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
In addition, it has proven useful to define some namespaces that may be used only in a certain App-Ensemble.
# Namespaces for THIS App-Ensemble
@prefix ex: <http://example/
An App-Description always starts with the following triple:
<http://url_that_uniquely_identifies_the_app> a aof:App .
The subject of this statement is important because it is the main identifier that is used by tools that work with App-Descriptions. It should be long-living and if possible resolve to information about the app. Possibilities are the URL to an App-Store where the app can be downloaded or to a job on a build-server that creates the app.
In this specification we will use ex-prefix (<http://example/>
) and the app name ExApp for all examples.
There are two bits of information that should be provided about an app. First the rdf:type
relation1 and second the aof:
relation. Both are optional.
All apps are of type aof:App
. Additionally, Android apps are of type aof:AndroidApp
. Other platforms are not yet included in this specification. Please note, while this statement is optional it is highly recommended because applications may use it to determine the platform of the app.
ex:ExApp a aof:App, aof:AndroidApp .
There are some special roles for apps that are important for App-Ensembles. Normal apps don’t need this statement.
ex:ExApp aof:hasAppEnsembleRole aof:Conductor .
The aof:Conductor
role means that the app can execute App-Ensembles by itself. Also available is aof:AppEnsembleInstaller
which implies that the app is able to install App-Ensembles on a platform.
All apps must have a label (rdfs:label
) and description (rdfs:comment
ex:ExApp rdfs:label "App-Description Specification Example App" ;
rdfs:comment """
The rdfs:comment should give a short textual description
about the functionality of the app. It may contain *markdown* markup """ .
If available, the location of a resource where the current binary can be downloaded should be given via the aof:
property. Preferably, this is a direct link to a binary. This property is optional but highly recommended.
ex:ExApp aof:hasInstallableArtifact <http://example/example.apk> .
The version number must be an integer. Version information may be provided in two different ways. The first option is to provide an http-URL to a resource that delivers the version code in the body part of the http response using aof:
. The second way is to provide a version code integer directly via aof:
. The aof:
variant supersedes aof:
ex:ExApp aof:hasVersion jenkins:AppEnsembleInstaller/buildNumber .
# The alternative:
ex:ExApp aof:version "1"^^xsd:integer .
If the app has dependencies in other apps, i.e. these other apps are required for it to function properly, they may be stated using aof:hasAppDependency
ex:ExApp aof:hasAppDependency <> .
The object of this statement should be a URI that is unique and is used in other App-Descriptions when referring to this app.
Information about the creator(s) is added by asserting one or more of the following statements:
ex:ExApp dc:creator <> .
The object of a dc:creator
relation is a URI that uniquely identifies a creator (e.g. an e-mail address or a website). At the end of the App-Description resource should be detailed using the FOAF-vocabulary:
<> a foaf:Person ;
foaf:name "Max Mustermann" ;
foaf:mbox <> ;
foaf:homepage <> .
Creator information is optional but highly recommended.
Entry points provide information on how the app is started and what information it can use as input. There must be at least one entry point. Currently, entry points are only specified for Android apps.
A basic entry point looks like this:
ex:ExApp aof:hasEntryPoint [
a aof:EntryPoint, android:action ;
android:name "org.aof.action.EXAMPLE_ACTION" ;
rdfs:label "Example label" ;
rdfs:comment "
The comment should give a concise but conclusive description about what the
entry point does. """ ;
] .
An entry point may have zero or more inputs. If an entry point is given aof:Input, android:extra, rdfs:comment, aof:isRequired, android:name
and aof:hasDatatype
are all mandatory.
ex:entry_point_1 aof:hasInput [
a aof:Input, android:extra ;
rdfs:comment "Description of the input" ;
aof:isRequired "False" ;
android:name "org.aof.extra.POI" ;
aof:hasDatatype xsd:anyURI
] .
The statement ex:entry_point_1 a aof:Input, android:extra
asserts that the resource is an entry point and also an android extra. Currently, only this type of input is specified and, therefore, must be provided if entry points are given. aof:isRequired
states if this input must be provided, android:name
gives the name of the extra, i.e. the key to look up the extra data field. There may be a naming convention for android:name
that should be followed. For details see the App-Ensemble specification. The property aof:hasDatatype
states the data type the extra must have using the xsd: notation.
Exit points provide information on data that is generated by an app. When apps provide information on exit points it is assumed that they have been created specifically for App-Orchestration and provide the output data after an orchestration specific user interaction, such as a Done-Button.
Currently exit points are only specified for Android apps.
An exit point must have at least one output. All properties in the example below are mandatory if an exit point is described.
A typical exit point looks like this:
ex:ExApp aof:hasExitPoint [
a aof:ExitPoint;
rdfs:label "Main exit point" ;
rdfs:comment "Description of the exit point" ;
aof:hasOutput [
a aof:Output, android:extra ;
rdfs:comment "Description of the output" ;
aof:isGuaranteed "False" ;
android:name "org.aof.extra.POI" ;
aof:hasDatatype xsd:anyURI
] .
The property aof:isGuaranteed
is used to specify if an output will always be available or not. The property android:name
is used to give the key for the data field. For the other properties, please see the section on entry points. There may be a naming convention for android:name
that should be followed. For details see the App-Ensemble specification.
It is recommended to provide a URI of an icon and some screenshots for all apps because this improves the display in lists, app-stores, etc. greatly. The icon is optional (aof:hasIcon
). There may be 0 or 1 main screenshot (aof:
) and 0 or more additional screenshots (aof:
# Icon
ex:exApp aof:hasIcon <http://example/icon_placeholder.svg> .
# Screenshots: 1 main screenshot, 2 additional screenshots
ex:exApp aof:hasMainScreenshot [
foaf:depiction <http://example/sc1.jpg> ;
rdfs:comment "Main screenshot"
] .
ex:exApp aof:hasScreenshot [
foaf:depiction <http://example/sc2.jpg> ;
rdfs:comment "2nd screenshot"
] .
ex:exApp aof:hasScreenshot [
foaf:depiction <http://example/sc3.jpg> ;
rdfs:comment "3rd screenshot"
] .
Since an App-Description lives in the open world assumption, there may be unlimited other statements about an app. Here are some examples:
# References to resources describing the same thing or related things
ex:ExApp owl:sameAs < > .
ex:ExApp rdfs:seeAlso <http://alternativeAppStore/otherApp .
AndroidApp, App, AppEnsembleInstaller, AppEnsembleRole, Conductor, EntryPoint, ExitPoint, Icon, Input, InstallableArtifact, MainScreenshot, Output, Screenshot
hasAppDependency, hasAppEnsembleRole, hasIcon, hasInstallableArtifact, hasEntryPoint, hasExitPoint, hasInput, hasMainScreenshot, hasOutput, hasScreenshot, hasVersion
isGuaranteed, isRequired, version
Class – Comment
Status: | testing |
Properties include: | Having these properties implies being a thing of this class. |
Used with: | Every value of these properties is a thing of this class |
Has Subclass: | |
Subclass Of | |
Disjoint With |
AndroidApp – An Android App
Status: | testing |
Subclass Of | aof:App |
App – An App
Status: | testing |
Properties include: | aof:hasAppDependency, aof:hasEntryPoint, aof:hasExitPoint, aof:hasIcon, aof:hasInstallableArtifact, aof:hasMainScreenshot, aof:hasAppEnsembleRole, aof:hasScreenshot, aof:hasVersion, aof:version |
Has Subclass: | aof:AndroidApp |
Subclass Of | owl:Thing |
AppEnsembleInstaller – The role of being an app that can install App-Ensembles
Status: | testing |
Subclass Of | aof:AppEnsembleRole |
AppEnsembleRole – A role in an App-Ensemble
Status: | testing |
Used with: | aof:hasAppEnsembleRole |
Has Subclass: | aof:AppEnsembleInstaller, aof:Conductor |
Subclass Of | owl:Thing |
Disjoint With | aof:App |
Conductor – The role of being an app that can execute (conduct) App-Ensembles
Status: | testing |
Subclass Of | aof:AppEnsembleRole |
EntryPoint – An entry point to an app
Status: | testing |
Properties include: | aof:hasInput |
Used with: | aof:hasEntryPoint |
Subclass Of | owl:Thing |
Disjoint With | aof:ExitPoint |
ExitPoint – An exit point of an app
Status: | testing |
Properties include: | aof:hasOutput |
Used with: | aof:hasExitPoint |
Subclass Of | owl:Thing |
Disjoint With | aof:EntryPoint |
Icon – An icon for an app
Status: | testing |
Used with: | aof:hasIcon |
Subclass Of | owl:Thing |
Input – An input to an app entry point
Status: | testing |
Properties include: | aof:isRequired |
Used with: | aof:hasInput |
Subclass Of | owl:Thing |
Disjoint With | aof:Output |
Installable Artifact – An artifact that can be installed as an app
Status: | testing |
Used with: | aof:hasInstallableArtifact |
Subclass Of | owl:Thing |
MainScreenshot – The main screenshot of an app
Status: | testing |
Used with: | aof:hasMainScreenshot |
Subclass Of | aof:Screenshot |
Output – An output of an app exit point
Status: | testing |
Properties include: | aof:isGuaranteed |
Used with: | aof:hasOutput |
Subclass Of | owl:Thing |
Disjoint With | aof:Input |
Screenshot – A screenshot of an app
Status: | testing |
Properties include: | Having these properties implies being a thing of this class. |
Used with: | aof:hasScreenshot |
Has Subclass: | aof:MainScreenshot |
Subclass Of | owl:Thing |
Property – Comment
Status: | testing |
Domain: | having this property implies being a … |
Range: | every value of this property is a … |
hasAppDependency – Indicates an app dependency the object this app needs to be able to function correctly.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | having this property implies being a aof:App |
Range: | every value of this property is a aof:App |
The aof:hasAppDependency
property relates an aof:App
with other apps that it depends upon.
hasAppEnsembleRole – Indicates a role in an App-Ensemble that this app has.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | having this property implies being a aof:App |
Range: | every value of this property is a aof:AppEnsembleRole |
The hasAppEnsembleRole
property relates an aof:App
to a role it has in an App-Ensemble.
hasIcon – Indicates an icon for this app.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | having this property implies being a aof:App |
Range: | every value of this property is a aof:Icon |
The aof:hasIcon
property relates an aof:App
with an icon image, e.g. for use in app stores.
hasInstallableArtifact – Indicates an installable artifact, such as a binary executable or an APK-file of this app.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | having this property implies being a aof:App |
Range: | every value of this property is a aof:InstallableArtifact |
The aof:hasInstallableArtifact
relates an aof:App
with a binary file that can install it.
hasEntryPoint – Indicates an entry point this app has.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | having this property implies being a aof:App |
Range: | every value of this property is a aof:EntryPoint |
The aof:hasEntryPoint
property relates a aof:App
to an entry point that app provides.
hasExitPoint – Indicates an exit point this app has.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | having this property implies being a aof:App |
Range: | every value of this property is a aof:ExitPoint |
The aof:has
property relates a aof:App
to an exit point that app provides.
hasInput – Indicates an Input this app has.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | having this property implies being a aof:EntryPoint |
Range: | every value of this property is a aof:input |
The aof:hasInput
property relates a aof:EntryPoint
to an input it provides.
hasMainScreenshot – Indicates the main screenshot of this app.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | having this property implies being a aof:App |
Range: | every value of this property is a aof:MainScreenshot |
The aof:hasMainScreenshot
property relates a aof:App
to the screenshot that represents the app best (e.g. in an app store).
hasOutput – Indicates an output that this exit point of an app provides.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | having this property implies being a aof:ExitPoint |
Range: | every value of this property is a aof:Output |
The aof:hasOutput
property relates a aof:ExitPoint
to an output, usually with a key and a value.
hasScreenshot – Indicates a screenshot of this app.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | having this property implies being a aof:App |
Range: | every value of this property is a aof:Screenshot |
The aof:has
property relates a aof:App
to a screenshot of a view of the app.
hasVersion – Indicates a resource that represents the version of this app.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | having this property implies being a aof:App |
The aof:hasVersion
property relates a aof:App
to a http resource that provides an integer representation of the version it its http response body.
Property – Comment
Status: | testing |
Domain: | having this property implies being a … |
isGuaranteed – Indicates if this output is guaranteed.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | having this property implies being a aof:Output |
This property has the value True if this aof:
of this exit point of an app is guaranteed, otherwise it is False.
isRequired – Indicates if this input is required.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | having this property implies being a aof:Input |
This property has the value True if this aof:Input
of this entry point of an app is required, otherwise it is False.
version – Indicates the version of some app.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | having this property implies being a aof:App |
The version of an app is an integer value. It may, e.g., be a build number.
The following examples provide complete App-Descriptions that may be used as a starting point.
This example describes a conductor app, i.e. an app that executes App-Ensembles. Therefore, it has a aof:
# AOF prefixes
@prefix aof: <> .
# Used Ontologies
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix android: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
# App description
a aof:App, aof:AndroidApp ;
aof:hasAppEnsembleRole aof:Conductor ;
# Name and textual description
rdfs:label "AOF Conductor" ;
rdfs:comment """
The *Conductor* is an app that executes App-Ensembles on Android devices.
""" ;
# Reference to binary and version information
aof:hasInstallableArtifact <http://example/Conductor.apk> ;
# This App-Description provides the version as a http-resource
aof:hasVersion <http://Example/buildNumber> ;
# The alternative:
# aof:version "1"^^xsd:integer ;
# Dependencies
aof:hasAppDependency play:org.openintents.filemanager ;
# Creator reference, this is detailed at the end of the App-Description
dc:creator <> ;
# Entry points
aof:hasEntryPoint [
a aof:EntryPoint, android:action ;
android:name "org.aof.action.EXAMPLE_ACTION" ;
rdfs:label "Start Workflow" ;
rdfs:comment """
The comment should give a concise but conclusive description about what the
entry point does. """ ;
aof:hasInput [
a aof:Input, android:extra ;
rdfs:comment "Description of the input" ;
aof:isRequired "False" ;
android:name "org.aof.extra.POI" ;
aof:hasDatatype xsd:anyURI
] ;
# Exit points
aof:hasExitPoint [
a aof:ExitPoint;
rdfs:label "Main exit point" ;
rdfs:comment "Description of the exit point" ;
aof:hasOutput [
a aof:Output, android:extra ;
rdfs:comment "Description of the output" ;
aof:isGuaranteed "False" ;
android:name "org.aof.extra.POI" ;
aof:hasDatatype xsd:anyURI
] ;
# Icon
aof:hasIcon <http://example/icon_placeholder.svg> ;
# Screenshots: 1 main screenshot, 2 other screenshots
aof:hasMainScreenshot [
foaf:depiction <http://example/sc1.jpg> ;
rdfs:comment "Main screenshot"
] ;
aof:hasScreenshot [
foaf:depiction <http://example/sc2.jpg> ;
rdfs:comment "2nd screenshot"
] ;
aof:hasScreenshot [
foaf:depiction <http://example/sc3.jpg> ;
rdfs:comment "3rd screenshot"
] ;
# Additional statements
# Creator
<> a foaf:Person ;
foaf:name "Johannes Pfeffer";
foaf:mbox <>;
foaf:homepage <> .
# References to resources describing the same thing or related things
owl:sameAs <http://appStore/Conductor> ;
rdfs:seeAlso <http://alternativeAppStore/OtherConductor .
Already during specification of an app a rudimentary app description with entry and exit points can be created. The URI of the app should be fixed already. Then, the App-Description should be updated with every public release of the app.
It may be sensible to integrate publication of the App-Description in the build process of the app. E.g. the App-Description may reside in the project structure for the app and is automatically published to an web server during a release or build process.
For an always up-to-date version of the glossary refer to:
The rdf:type
relation can be abbreviated by a
in Turtle notation↩